
Korma is a domain specific language for Clojure that takes the pain out of working with your favorite RDBMS. Here’s a basic example:

(defdb prod (postgres {:db "korma"
                       :username "db"
                       :password "dbpass"}))

(defentity address)
(defentity user
  (has-many address))

(select user
  (with address)
  (fields :firstName :lastName :address.state)
  (where {:email "korma@sqlkorma.com"}))

Korma bring composability and reuse to SQL by turning queries into maps that can be built up over time. This make it much more expressive than SQL is naturally and gives you the full power of Clojure to construct queries in interesting ways.

(def base (-> (select* "user")
            (fields :id :username)
            (where {:email [like "*@gmail.com"]})))

(def ordered-and-active (-> base
                          (where {:active true})
                          (order :created)))

(def constrained (-> ordered-and-active
                   (limit 20)))

(exec constrained)

Checkout the korma website for more.